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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered Feb 9 '18

aink99 gravatar image

hat should be when you get a tcp windowZeroWindow not a tcp of window size = 0 that not the same thing. Source is sending ZeroWindows probe even If the destination has not sent tcp WindowZero. That is the issue, further more the source packet is malformed or corrupted , not a good sign.

Check out the source network.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

hat That should be when you get a tcp windowZeroWindow not a tcp of window size = 0 that not the same thing. Source is sending ZeroWindows probe even If the destination has not sent tcp WindowZero. That is the issue, further more the source packet is malformed or corrupted , not a good sign.

Check out the source network.