1 | initial version |
There is no external list, but the following is extracted from the current dissector (master branch) showing the Group 0 variations that are handled:
#define AL_OBJ_DA_USR_ATTR 0x00D3 /* 00 211 Device Attributes - Identifier of support for user-specific attributes */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MSTR_DSP 0x00D4 /* 00 212 Device Attributes - Number of master-defined data set prototypes */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_OS_DSP 0x00D5 /* 00 213 Device Attributes - Number of outstation-defined data set prototypes */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MSTR_DS 0x00D6 /* 00 214 Device Attributes - Number of master-defined data sets */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_OS_DS 0x00D7 /* 00 215 Device Attributes - Number of outstation-defined data sets */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BO_REQ 0x00D8 /* 00 216 Device Attributes - Max number of binary outputs per request */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_LOC_TA 0x00D9 /* 00 217 Device Attributes - Local timing accuracy */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_DUR_TA 0x00DA /* 00 218 Device Attributes - Duration of timing accuraccy */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AO_EVT 0x00DB /* 00 219 Device Attributes - Support for analog output events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_AO 0x00DC /* 00 220 Device Attributes - Max analog output index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_AO 0x00DD /* 00 221 Device Attributes - Number of analog outputs */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BO_EVT 0x00DE /* 00 222 Device Attributes - Support for binary output events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_BO 0x00DF /* 00 223 Device Attributes - Max binary output index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_BO 0x00E0 /* 00 224 Device Attributes - Number of binary outputs */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_FCTR_EVT 0x00E1 /* 00 225 Device Attributes - Support for frozen counter events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_FCTR 0x00E2 /* 00 226 Device Attributes - Support for frozen counters */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_CTR_EVT 0x00E3 /* 00 227 Device Attributes - Support for counter events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_CTR 0x00E4 /* 00 228 Device Attributes - Max counter index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_CTR 0x00E5 /* 00 229 Device Attributes - Number of counter points */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AIF 0x00E6 /* 00 230 Device Attributes - Support for frozen analog inputs */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AI_EVT 0x00E7 /* 00 231 Device Attributes - Support for analog input events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_AI 0x00E8 /* 00 232 Device Attributes - Maximum analog input index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_AI 0x00E9 /* 00 233 Device Attributes - Number of analog input points */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_2BI_EVT 0x00EA /* 00 234 Device Attributes - Support for Double-Bit BI Events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_2BI 0x00EB /* 00 235 Device Attributes - Max Double-bit BI Point Index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_2BI 0x00EC /* 00 236 Device Attributes - Number of Double-bit BI Points */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BI_EVT 0x00ED /* 00 237 Device Attributes - Support for Binary Input Events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_BI 0x00EE /* 00 238 Device Attributes - Max Binary Input Point Index */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_BI 0x00EF /* 00 239 Device Attributes - Number of Binary Input Points */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MXTX_FR 0x00F0 /* 00 240 Device Attributes - Maximum Transmit Fragment Size */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MXRX_FR 0x00F1 /* 00 241 Device Attributes - Maximum Receive Fragment Size */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_SWVER 0x00F2 /* 00 242 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers SW Version */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_HWVER 0x00F3 /* 00 243 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers HW Version */
/* 00 244 Future Assignment */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_LOC 0x00F5 /* 00 245 Device Attributes - User-Assigned Location */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_ID 0x00F6 /* 00 246 Device Attributes - User-Assigned ID code/number */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_DEVNAME 0x00F7 /* 00 247 Device Attributes - User-Assigned Device Name */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_SERNUM 0x00F8 /* 00 248 Device Attributes - Device Serial Number */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_CONF 0x00F9 /* 00 249 Device Attributes - DNP Subset and Conformance */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_PROD 0x00FA /* 00 250 Device Attributes - Device Product Name and Model */
/* 00 251 Future Assignment */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MFG 0x00FC /* 00 252 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers Name */
/* 00 253 Future Assignment */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_ALL 0x00FE /* 00 254 Device Attributes - Non-specific All-attributes Req */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_LVAR 0x00FF /* 00 255 Device Attributes - List of Attribute Variations */
As you can see variations 204 & 205 aren't handled.
Do you have access to a specification that details those variations? If so please raise an enhancement request at the Wireshark Bugzilla showing the details of the variations and attaching a capture containing those variations.