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You could try something like this:

curl --header "systoken: 4982f36448f4c29faa08803ad9c13aae" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     --user-agent "okhttp/3.12.1" \
     --data "api_version=1&platform=android&platform_version=7.1.1&app_version=1.9.8&device=I9195I&unixTime=1571756090198&systoken=4982f36448f4c29faa08803ad9c13aae&longitude=0.0&latitude=0.0&index=1&type_id=4&userId=264655&country_id=16&cnt=2" \
     --verbose \

(I took the parameters from your pcap file).

The response was {"msg":"Token is invalid, please login again","code":40001}. So in order to properly receive a response, you either need to supply a valid token. Or use some requests to the login page to get a valid token before firing off these requests to get the JSON output that you want.